Main frame pin replacement


Cone Crusher Main frame pin replacement

The main frame pins prevent the adjustment ring from rotating with respect to the main frame and also guide the adjustment ring back to its original position when the ring lifts due to tramp iron or packed material in the crushing cavity. Repeated adjustment ring lift is not normal and can usually be corrected by proper feed distribution and correct crusher settings. Incorrect operation with excessive ring movement will result in wear of main frame pins and elongation of the holes in the adjustment ring or in the main frame pin bushings. The wear can be observed by viewing the underside of the adjustment ring in the main frame pin area. Due to the rotation of the head in relationship to the bowl, the adjustment ring will want to turn in the direction of machine rotation. Since this force will be acting on the adjustment ring in one direction only, the main frame pins and the pin holes in the adjustment ring or pin bushings will have a tendency to wear on one side only. Replace worn pins as follows:

  1. Depressurize the tramp release cylinders. Make sure the pressure gauge in the CAVITY RELEASE PRESSURIZE circuit reaches zero (0) pressure.
  2. With a crane or other suitable lifting equipment, slightly lift the adjustment ring off the main frame. Then turn the ring to center the main frame pins in the holes in the adjustment ring or pin bushings.
  3. Remove the capscrew, lock washer, and pin retainer from the underside of each main frame pin to be replaced.
  4. Force the worn pin out through the top of the main frame using a hydraulic lack centered under the pin. Heating of the frame boss may be required. Removal of the tramp release cylinders and accumulators may be required during this procedure.
  5. Heat the pin boss on the frame to ease installation. Drive the new pin down into the main frame by sledding. The pins must be seated against the bottom of the counterbored hole in the frame.
  6. Fasten the main frame pin to the frame with pin retainer, lock washer, and capscrew.
  7. Repressurize the tramp release cylinders.
  8. After the new main frame pins have been installed, cover the holes in the adjustment ring with new adhesive-backed rubber pin covers.

If you have any problem about exchange cone crusher parts, contact us freely.

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